by admin | Feb 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
The Thin Blue Line. It’s no joke. We have worked with the police a lot over the years. Several different areas and services, from video and audio training but most prominently interview training. During this time we have helped train detectives to give a better...
by admin | Jan 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
We’ve done book launches before and they are just about our favourite type of event. It is immersive and involved. We get first crack at creating the world that has sprung from the imagination of a published author! Long before any big screen directors might get...
by admin | Jun 6, 2018 | special events, Training, Uncategorized, work
This is not some blog about how we do team building characters on fun spy missions. Nope. More interesting than that – and more real. Every now and again we’ve been asked to do a job that is a little out of the ordinary. As opposed to a big showy...
by admin | Mar 14, 2018 | Entertainment, special events, Training, Uncategorized
This year Adhoc celebrates it’s 13th birthday! Predictable jokes about “unlucky thirteen” aside, we have now been providing actors for entertainment and training for 13 years! That’s no mean feat in the current business and economic climate. It...
by admin | Oct 11, 2017 | special events, Training, Uncategorized, work
Arena: (noun). A field of conflict, activity or endeavour. You might think it harsh, or even inappropriate, but Arena is the right metaphor for training. Instead of “Death by Powerpoint” – (not our phrase I hasten to add), training should be a...