
The Thin Blue Line. It’s no joke. We have worked with the police a lot over the years. Several different areas and services, from video and audio training but most prominently interview training. During this time we have helped train detectives to give a better...

Launching into 2019

We’ve done book launches before and they are just about our favourite type of event. It is immersive and involved. We get first crack at creating the world that has sprung from the imagination of a published author! Long before any big screen directors might get...

Undercover Actors!

This is not some blog about how we do team building characters on fun spy missions. Nope. More interesting than that – and more real. Every now and again we’ve been asked to do a job that is a little out of the ordinary. As opposed to a big showy...

GDPR compliance – it just makes sense

We are in the process of finalising the elements of our Data Protection Compliance in line with the new General Data Protection Regulations which come into force from May the 25th 2018. It’s one of those common sense things that should have been legislated for a...

“Doing” Shakespeare.

Rosalind Parker plays an outraged Katharina in an excerpt from The taming of the Shrew at Somerset House last year for a private audience. Photo credit Christine Heymann We LOVE doing Shakespeare.  When we say “doing” Shakespeare it makes it sound flippant...