Tag: dinner theatre

  • “Doing” Shakespeare.

    Rosalind Parker plays an outraged Katharina in an excerpt from The taming of the Shrew at Somerset House last year for a private audience. Photo credit Christine Heymann We LOVE doing Shakespeare.  When we say “doing” Shakespeare it makes it sound flippant and glib. But why not? People have been subjected to dry textual studies…

  • Teenage years ahoy!

    This year Adhoc celebrates it’s 13th birthday! Predictable jokes about “unlucky thirteen” aside, we have now been providing actors for entertainment and training for 13 years! That’s no mean feat in the current business and economic climate. It means we have weathered a double dip recession and steered the Adhoc ship through the stormy seas…

  • Immersive acting

    Social engineering: noun. Mostly associated with negative things these days, the manipulation of peoples emotions or perception to gain financial advantage or to trip them into divulging secret information. You see it mostly in phishing emails or other online scams and sadly some people do actually fall for it, or it wouldn’t be as prevalent…

  • Happy Halloween!

    It seems to be Halloween week as we’ve been busy with themed parties since last Friday and have more until this coming weekend! Can’t complain as it’s so much fun creating characters that enhance the scary atmosphere and giving folk goosebumps when they don’t expect it! Happy Halloween people! 

  • Wedding Guests

    Entertaining at weddings is so much fun! The atmosphere is one of happy, excited anticipation and celebration. Providing something that enhances that, makes the day even more special for all concerned is part of what makes Adhoc enjoy the work so much. Understanding that the spotlight isn’t really on us for a change, people are here…

  • Getting carried away, (not literally).

    So sorry for the last couple of posts, they were merely reflective of the quite random sort of job that sometimes lands on us! I guess I got a bit carried away with the fantastical element of it all!  Meanwhile we have been operating business as  usual, despite the political turmoil swirling around us. Some of…

  • The time Scoop…

    “We have to unlock the TimeScoop”. I nod assent and lurch off in the direction of the history wing of Adhoc Towers. I am always scared of using the TimeScoop but it has been such a useful tool for so many jobs. Besides, the target – a Mr Henry Sherwin – seems quite blasé about the…

  • Mission…accomplished.

    Late morning at Adhoc Towers. I’m just thinking about some kind of lunch when the phone rings. “Good morning, Adhoc Actors”, I chirp breezily. “Hi, just how ad-hoc are you”? The voice at the other end of the phone was young, female, with some humour and, I sensed, a genuine enquiry. “Pretty much what we…

  • A flying Start to 2016!

    We’ve had a flying start to the year so far. Not just the Pantomime but lots of role play training, managing high performing staff, as well as playing villains for Police interview training, we’ve had teams of actors out being interactive characters for immersive performances not to mention our schools workshops! January has been so…

  • Gotcha!

    It’s the ultimate wind up, the perfect prank: comedy waiters! We’ve been enjoying the party season and more, hiding our characters amongst regular staff and watching as people become increasingly outraged by their antics! People realise eventually but we stay in character to the end and from then it simply becomes a case of sitting back…