So sorry for the last couple of posts, they were merely reflective of the quite random sort of job that sometimes lands on us! I guess I got a bit carried away with the fantastical element of it all!
Meanwhile we have been operating business as usual, despite the political turmoil swirling around us. Some of our best actors have been regularly portraying criminals for Merseyside Police training, we’ve been assisting in a stage combat school that ran for a week at Ardingly Arts Fest in Sussex and we’ve also had a reprise of training Arrow Global management with the wonderful facilitation of Paul Ackerley and Breathe Personal Organisational Development.
Lots of our actors in the north of England area have also been spotted in The Greater Manchester and Buxton Fringe festivals, putting some sterling work on stage in front of full houses, sometimes going straight from a training session on to stage!
Proud of our people, their skills and attitude and the great work we do in training.
Coming soon, characters from Rugby history for a 150th year celebration and paparazzi at the O2!
Oh, and some superheroes, because, well – fun! and entertainment – go team!