Author: admin

  • 2016 – the shape of things to come

    We have lost so may great talents so far this year. People who were outstanding in their contribution to their art, whether it was broadcasting, writing, musical performance, acting or editing. Many of us have grown up being heavily influenced by the work of such titans and feel lost without their guiding light. Lemmy Rocked…

  • Literary Dinosaurs!

    So we were asked to be part of London Book fair at Olympia recently and this is the result! Fresh from our successful launch for Penguin/Puffin books we were asked if we could bring a character to life from a book called “Supersaurs”, a fictional romp in Victorian times involving factory “farmed” dinosaurs. Here is…

  • Our guys on stage

    We’ve had a hectic few weeks but we are so proud of the actors working with us, they have all hit the ground running with every job and produced such outstanding results it really is a pleasure to work with with them all. Just a few of the jobs include; Police interview training; scripting and performing a piece…

  • A flying Start!

    We had some trouble trying to post this so it got saved as a draft. here it is in retrospect anyway!  What a great start to the year! Despite all the sad news in the media of great performers passing, we’ve not had time to The start of this year has been so busy on…

  • Total Immersion in the Story

    That’s what we’ve been tasked with. Launching a book by bringing the characters off the page and into the setting to interact with people who want to learn about this new story. It’s a great one too! Dark fantasy fiction aimed at young readers, it is set to rival Harry Potter, or even surpass it,…

  • A flying Start to 2016!

    We’ve had a flying start to the year so far. Not just the Pantomime but lots of role play training, managing high performing staff, as well as playing villains for Police interview training, we’ve had teams of actors out being interactive characters for immersive performances not to mention our schools workshops! January has been so…

  • New season!

    Panto season may be over but we’ve had a good one, starring Jeff Longmore as our Dame with a small but perfectly formed cast of Julie O’Hare and Jack Federov, we’ve enjoyed performing our private Pantomime for audiences but now it’s time to say goodbye for another year! “Oh no it isn-” Stop that. Yes it is. 

  • Gotcha!

    It’s the ultimate wind up, the perfect prank: comedy waiters! We’ve been enjoying the party season and more, hiding our characters amongst regular staff and watching as people become increasingly outraged by their antics! People realise eventually but we stay in character to the end and from then it simply becomes a case of sitting back…

  • Doing the Bard, innit.

    Mark Rylance has just given his esteemed opinion of Shakespeare: we agree with him. Someone asked recently, “what is the best Shakespeare play to read first”? The only reply is: “none”. Shakespeare wrote plays, they were meant to be performed, watched and enjoyed as entertainment, not revered as literary works and kept in stasis forever – that’s archaeology.…

  • Christmas Flash!

      If you have Christmas all wrapped up and parties booked, add an extra bit of sparkle to the night with our OTT Paparazzi photographers who will treat all your guests as if they were true Glitteralti and give them a night to remember! GOTCHER!