Tag: manchester

  • A flying Start to 2016!

    We’ve had a flying start to the year so far. Not just the Pantomime but lots of role play training, managing high performing staff, as well as playing villains for Police interview training, we’ve had teams of actors out being interactive characters for immersive performances not to mention our schools workshops! January has been so…

  • New season!

    Panto season may be over but we’ve had a good one, starring Jeff Longmore as our Dame with a small but perfectly formed cast of Julie O’Hare and Jack Federov, we’ve enjoyed performing our private Pantomime for audiences but now it’s time to say goodbye for another year! “Oh no it isn-” Stop that. Yes it is. 

  • Doing the Bard, innit.

    Mark Rylance has just given his esteemed opinion of Shakespeare: we agree with him. Someone asked recently, “what is the best Shakespeare play to read first”? The only reply is: “none”. Shakespeare wrote plays, they were meant to be performed, watched and enjoyed as entertainment, not revered as literary works and kept in stasis forever – that’s archaeology.…

  • Christmas Flash!

      If you have Christmas all wrapped up and parties booked, add an extra bit of sparkle to the night with our OTT Paparazzi photographers who will treat all your guests as if they were true Glitteralti and give them a night to remember! GOTCHER!

  • The Lost Generation of actors!

      Have you noticed the phrase”emerging talent”? It is always accompanied by portraits of very young actors, fresh out of drama school, looking to make a living in the business, quite often starry eyed with visions of fame dancing before them. Why not? Good luck to them we say. But there is a whole generation of actors…

  • New Talent.

    As part of our ongoing relationship with our client The Education Group, we’ve been holding auditions up and down the UK. We’ve specifically been looking for new actors who can deliver workshops in character as a Roman or World War 1 soldier to schools. We realised that with an actor in character it adds much…

  • Bank invest in staff

    We are most recently engaged in providing actors for Role play training for a large financial institution, (okay, bank), who are investing in the future of their staff and doing some great work in the community. Working with the training provider and his colleagues is a satisfying experience as they are so good at organising…

  • Filming



    Just had a very positive meeting with Capture 1 DVP regarding future projects. The first pre-production meeting for an upcoming short film we’re making is all guns go with casting planned for next month and script underway!