Month: June 2016

  • The time Scoop…

    “We have to unlock the TimeScoop”. I nod assent and lurch off in the direction of the history wing of Adhoc Towers. I am always scared of using the TimeScoop but it has been such a useful tool for so many jobs. Besides, the target – a Mr Henry Sherwin – seems quite blasé about the…

  • Mission…accomplished.

    Late morning at Adhoc Towers. I’m just thinking about some kind of lunch when the phone rings. “Good morning, Adhoc Actors”, I chirp breezily. “Hi, just how ad-hoc are you”? The voice at the other end of the phone was young, female, with some humour and, I sensed, a genuine enquiry. “Pretty much what we…

  • Being useful

    We’re having a valuable week. Training police investigators. Getting people to try new things in an arena they can happily learn from any mistakes in is a task in itself: people don’t want to make mistakes, they naturally want to get it right first time. When they let go of that inhibition though, we see…