Tag: dinosaur
Normal Service will be Resumed…
Our website has been undergoing some structural refurbishment, which is why there’s been no blog posts for a while but we shall be commenting on all things thespian again soon!
Voyage on the wild seas
So we are doing a job in Oslo, Norway. Exciting stuff! Taking the dinosaur traveling on a cargo ship with only a small amount of other passengers. Makes you think of romantic stories like “around the world in 80 days” doesn’t it? Wandering the boat to make discoveries or striding out on deck to feel…
Sophie crosses the border
This weekend we are taking Sophie the dinosaur for a day out to Scotland! We’re not sure where she stands on the independence vote but fairly sure she’ll have a fun time at an open day for a charitable foundation that’s occurring at Blair Drummond Safari park, near Glasgow. The main point is that all…
T-Rex invades Dance Floor!
It’s just Sophie, our baby T-Rex wanting to join in with the cheerleaders!
What’s in the Box?
We’ve been waiting for a long time to receive this box. We’ve been through a lot of hoops and trials – but mostly waiting. So here’s a sneak peek of the first look into the box – and it was looking straight back!